Monday, April 30, 2012


So its Monday morning and i'm on my 3rd cup of coffee....never really liked coffee and honestly still don't, but found that I like it more when I put ice in it lol

Hopefully today will go smoothly.  Right now i'm bouncing off the walls, probably because i'm not used to the caffeine in the mornings.  I got some chicken breast for the week, gonna bake that tonight.  Excited to get the cooking done and out of the way....Because I hatttteee cooking lol  However it needs to be done, so i'm gonna do it the easiest way possible. after work i'm going to be signing up at the YMCA, so that Stephen (trainer) can show me what my workout is going to consist of.  I'm excited to get started :)

Well I guess that is all for right now, I've gotta get back to work.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 3

So today I decided that I was going to eat what I want, at least until I talk with the personal trainer of course lol.  So I had stuffed shells for dinner and let me tell was awesome!  I did not do any exercising today....I know shame on me, but I figured, I only have 2 days until I'm going to be starting my new routine...I might as well enjoy these 2 days lol   So tomorrow night i'm going to be ghost hunting with one of my besties Vanessa :)  So we will probably go out for dinner beforehand.  I think we're going to good ole Gburg to catch those ghosties...its gonna be great :)

I'm really excited though to meet Stephen on Saturday.  I know with his and my cousins guidance, i'm going to shed these pounds like dead skin :D hahaha...that sounded kindof gross lol...

Ohhh good stuff though, I got my bridesmaid dress in the mail today for Robin and Dan's wedding.  It is boostiful!

Side note...still haven't had more then like 2-3 hours of sleep in like a year...this insomnia is ridunk seriously...I would like to get onnneeee goodnight sleep.  Hopefully when we go to the beach i'll be able to relax enough to get some rest and relaxation.  Its gonna be super duper fun!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 2

So today started off like any other day, I woke up from 2 hours of sleep....didn't feel like going to work.  But I drudged along...My energy picked up as the day progressed.  I think one of my main issues is that I sit at a desk all day long, so my energy level either stays low or drops during the day.

But I got home from work today, stopped by my moms and rode the bike for a bit, got home and made i'm spending time with Ryan watching Roswell...

I am excited though, my cousin is setting me up with a trainer on Saturday, so I can get the basics of what I need to do in order to start my journey.  I'm scared but excited...I know its going to be hard work, but I'm ready for it.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Weightloss Journey Begins

     Well this is my first official blog...a little scared, but here it goes.  Since I can remember i've always been overweight, whether it be 10 lbs or 50lbs...right now i'm at my max weight ever and its time for a change.  I'm unhappy and depressed almost everyday.  I don't leave the house except for work and to go to the store.  I'm just so unconfortable going out in front of people in fear that they are staring at me because of my weight. 

     The other day I was reading my cousins blog and posts on facebook and it has inspired me to do something about it.  Today is the beginning of my new life.  I am going to start exercising and changing the way I eat.  I know this isn't going to be easy, but it needs to be done.  I'll be 30 this year and I want to be able to go out for my 30th birthday without feeling crappy about myself.  I want to be able to have fun with my friends.  So from now until my 30th bday which is Nov 19th....I will be blogging everyday about my weight loss journey and daily life.