Friday, May 11, 2012


So yeah I forgot to blog the last few days lol  Sowwwwwyyyyyyyyyy hahaha...anyways its friday!  I met with Stephen (trainer) yesterday to go over my workout routine.  Now I know exactly what I need to do each day :)  

Okay so yeah I woke up this morning, feeling like I was hit by a wrecking ball, yes I said wrecking ball lol  But its a good feeling, its a feeling of knowing i'm accomplishing something that will benefit my mind and body.  While I still have a long road ahead of me, i'm thankful in the knowledge that this time I know i'll stick with it, because mentally i'm ready to do this.  I've tried diets and such in the past, but the reason they didn't work for me, is because I wasn't truly ready to do it.  I would get in a phase where I would go on a diet, lose a few lbs, then stop.  Not this time, this time i'm pushing through the doubt and worry of not completing, because I WANT to be healthier.  Its a great feeling and most of my motivation came from my cousin Eva.  She showed me that with hard work and determination, there is nothing I can't accomplish, so thank you!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day 6

Today was so uneventful, I don't even want to write about it lol

Basically I woke up, took a caffeine pill, drank a ton of water, sat at my desk and came home to eat dinner...

I might turn in early tonight...hopefully I get a full nights sleep.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 5

Well its day 5 and i've had more energy the last 2 days, still getting used to the amount of food, but in time that will get easier.  I also switched from Coffee to caffeine pills and tea.  Coffee doesn't sit well with my stomach :(

Had a decent day at work, pretty uneventful, got some work done, that's about it.  I had 2 hard boiled eggs today before my workout, so I had some protein in my system.  I got home and worked out for an hour with my mom.  Went home heated up some chicken breast and green beans...nom noms!

Now i'm just relaxing watching a bit of tv.  Hopefully I get a good night sleep...