Monday, April 30, 2012


So its Monday morning and i'm on my 3rd cup of coffee....never really liked coffee and honestly still don't, but found that I like it more when I put ice in it lol

Hopefully today will go smoothly.  Right now i'm bouncing off the walls, probably because i'm not used to the caffeine in the mornings.  I got some chicken breast for the week, gonna bake that tonight.  Excited to get the cooking done and out of the way....Because I hatttteee cooking lol  However it needs to be done, so i'm gonna do it the easiest way possible. after work i'm going to be signing up at the YMCA, so that Stephen (trainer) can show me what my workout is going to consist of.  I'm excited to get started :)

Well I guess that is all for right now, I've gotta get back to work.


  1. LOL I don't drink much coffee -- an Iced Caramel Latte from DD's with Skim Milk and instead of sugar or sweetener, I get extra caramel .... And now I'm getting one for myself later :)

    Teeheee Bounce Away my Tart
